Truly this mountain looks spectacular. Once, while traveling with our boys we took a loooong drive away from our tent, or the boys at least thought the drive took long enough …actually it was as long as the road let us. On our way we came across this amazing looking mountain standing there alone.

Its name is Einhyrningur which you can translate as the one with the horn…or perhaps and even better, Unicorn. Einhyrningur is located in the South between Tindfjallajökull, which you can see in the background and the bridge over Markarfljót.

We were so thrilled to be there on this beautiful day with the sun shining and not too windy. But I would not like to be there in a bad weather, at night or on a foggy day when all kinds of creatures could come alive and…

If you decide to go there, don’t forget to bring a notebook with you. You never know what you could think of and would like to write down. Perhaps a new novel like The lord of the ring dwells with in you and could come alive in a surroundings like this.
And as always when you’re traveling in Iceland, be careful.